We have a 30-days return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a exchange.
Since all our parcels are allowed to open before payment. So you have option to check fabric quality and decide on the spot to keep or return parcel.
All accepted parcels are ineligible for refund however you can exchange with different size or article.
Step 1
Apply for return
To start a return, you can contact us at 0300-7144669. Please send invoice number along with your camplain.
Step 2
Write Instructions on Invoice
Once Approved. Please write clear instructions for exchange.
Changing Size ?
"Change size with ( Your required size )"
Changing Color ?
"Please change Color with ( Your Required Color ) of same size"
Changing Article, Color or Size ?
"Please change article with ( Article Name ), ( Color ), ( Size )
Step 3
Return Your Parcel
Return Parcel by any Post (Courier Charges Apply)
Please make sure to include your invoice inside package along with exchange instructions.
Please note that returns will need to be sent to the following address:
Dhanak Boutique
P-556/B Tufail Shaheed Road, Sohailabad, Faisalabad
Step 4
Upon receiving your return. Dhanak Boutique will send your replacement
We will process your replacement within 1-2 working days upon receiving return.
You will get your return after 3-5 working days once we sent it.
Please note: Customer will bear Delivery Charges (Both Sides).
Return Charges: Depends on Courier Service you are using
Our Replacement Charges: 200/- Pkr Per Parcel
We will contact in case of any issue with exchange.
You can always contact us for any return question at 0300-7144669.
Damages and issues
Please inspect your order upon reception all our parcels are allowed to open before payment. If you feel any issue with the item you can immediately return item to rider without paying anything.
Exceptions / non-refundable items
Unfortunately, we cannot accept returns on sale items or gift cards.
We will process your replacement within 1-2 working days upon receiving return.
You will get your return after 3-5 working days once we sent it.
In case you have missed your invoice please request duplicate invoice from 0300-7144669.